The Historic New Orleans Collection frequently hosts concerts ranging from symphonic reflections on the New World to contemporary jazz or honky-tonk. In addition, our annual lectures in honor of jazz historian Bill Russell and Les Comédiens Français often include musical performances.

Upcoming Events


For advance notice of upcoming concerts and other special events, create a MY HNOC account.

Musical Louisiana: America’s Cultural Heritage

To honor Louisiana's classical music legacy, THNOC and the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra established Musical Louisiana: America's Cultural Heritage, a series of concerts and student educational experiences. These award-winning concerts reach an audience of nearly 30,000 through live radio broadcasts and online video streaming. In addition, the accompanying program and educational materials are made available online to teachers throughout Louisiana and beyond. A recording of the concert as well as its printed program are also distributed to Louisiana's 68 public library systems, university libraries, music history instructors in Louisiana, and centers throughout the United States concentrating on American music.

Past LPO Musical Louisiana Concerts

Concert programs for the series with historical notes as well as background on the individual works performed to read online or download. Streaming video of a few Musical Louisiana concerts is also available.

Musical Louisiana Lesson Plans

Grade school lesson plans that coordinate to a concert for teachers to read online or download.