Marching In

Marching In

The All-Stars

The All-Stars

The First

The First

Old Timers

Old Timers

In 1959 Walter Wright, former pitcher for the New Orleans Black Pelicans, founded the New Orleans Old Timers Baseball Club. Wright created the club, whose records now reside in the collections of the Amistad Research Center, to preserve the memory of Negro League baseball in New Orleans. The club organized an annual Old Timers game and documented the careers of former players, managers, owners, and officials.

Ghosts of the Track

Ghosts of the Track

Inventing the Wheel

Inventing the Wheel

The Strong Boy

The Strong Boy

The Oarsmen

The Oarsmen

The Phantom of the Opera

Pianist Pierre Queval will provide live, improvised accompaniment to the silent classic The Phantom of the Opera at a special screening presented by The Historic Ne


Crescent City Sport Interactive Lesson Plan

Sports captivate us with narratives of improbable upsets, great champions, and bitter rivalries. Sometimes the story extends beyond the field of play, instigating or mirroring broader social, economic, and cultural change. These moments endure. They shape our community identity.
