Search results for "alcohol" : 205 matches.
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Abstract : September 26, 1750. Versailles. Minister to Vaudreuil and Michel. The Membrède affair: powers of a major over civilians; statement of the case; cabarets; threat of removal from office. New Orleans police, and their power over negroes and fishermen. 2pp. AC., B 91:392. (LC.)

Abstract : December 24, 1739. Versailles. Minister to Bienville and Salmon. Loss of the Atlas; causes of mortality of crews; food supply, 1739-1740, flour, wine, lard, etc. 3 pp. AC., B 68: 419. (LC.)

Abstract : September 15, 1699. Fontainebleau. Pontchartrain to Duguay. Pilot for Gulf of Mexico; food, wine, and pay for men at Biloxi; Rémy, engineer, and De Raucour, chief clerk, destined for Louisiana. 2 pp. AC., B 20:255.; AM., B 2, 141:297.

Abstract : December 1, 1738. Versailles. Minister to Salmon. Deaths at Balize of pilot Tirel Patron and a gunner; their replacement; bills of exchange; leakage in shipments of wine and brandy; decree of the superior council, confiscating the estate of the late La Barre. 4 pp. AC., B 66:345. (LC.)

Abstract : October 14, 1732. Fontainebleau. Minister to Salmon. Instructions regarding military reports; Swiss and French troops; hospital, drugs, beds, etc.; French merchants trade with Louisiana; purchases with deerskins, flour, wine, and lead; fur-trade, sale to French merchants; indigo. 3 pp. AC., B 57:855. (LC.)

Abstract : October 14, 1732. Fontainebleau. Minister to Bienville. D\'Artaguiette made commander at the Illinois post; the Gironde\'s cargo of guns, Indian presents, and merchandise; her passengers; flour and scarlet cloth for Louisiana on the Ste. Anne; wine, brandy, food on the St. Rene. 2 pp. AC., B 57:857. (LC.)

Abstract : December 14, 1738. Versailles. Warrants to pay Claudefort for brandy and red wine supplied to Louisiana troops. (Minutes.) 2 pp. AC., F 1, 34:152.

Abstract : February 8, 1745. Rochefort. Statement of funds to remit in payment for one-half the wine and brandy supplied by Framery for Louisiana. 2pp. AC., F 1, 35:149.

Abstract : June 6, 1708. Versailles. Royal memoir to Vaudreuil and Raudot. Ottawas must give satisfaction for the murder of three Frenchmen at Detroit. Aigremont\'s inspection of western posts; Cadillac\'s claims. Indian presents, and sale of liquor to the savages. Cadillac\'s sale of land at Detroit. Complaints of Jesuits against Cadillac. Boudort\'s illegal Indian trade. Canoes which take Jesuits to their missions must not carry merchandise. Tonty\'s trade. They are to discuss Cadillac\'s requests with Aigremont. 9 pp. AC., C 11g, 1:105; B 29:321. MSS.Hist. Nouv. France, I. 53; N.Y.C.D., IX. 811(ext.).

Abstract : June 6, 1708. Versailles. Minister to Cadillac. Reproves him for his conduct toward Vaudreuil, Raudot, and Jesuit missionaries; Michilimackinac traders; Indian affairs; brandy tax; proposal for land sales, etc. 12 pp. AC., B 29:335.

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